Häv blockaden av Gaza!
Publicerad 2012-06-14
I dag den 14 juni har blockaden mot Gaza pågått i fem år. Med anledning av det publicerar ett 50 tal internationella bistånds- och solidaritetsorganisationer, däribland Palestinagrupperna i Sverige, ett upprop som kräver ett omedelbart slut på blockaden.
Gränsövergången till Gaza Foto: Anna Wester
For over five years in Gaza, more than 1.6 million people have been under blockade in violation of international law. More than half of these people are children. We the undersigned say with one voice: “end the blockade now.”
The government of Israel is facing mounting international criticism for the Gaza blockade and this unanimous statement from some of the most world’s most respected international organizations is likely to increase pressure for the blockade to be lifted.