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Insändare till Norrländska Socialdemokraten


Amnesty publicerade den 2 juli en omfattande rapport om vad som hände
under Gaza-kriget i december-januari. I stort bekräftar rapporten
palestiniernas uppgifter om den israeliska terrorn.
"Israeliska styrkor begick krigsförbrytelser när de dödade hundratals
obeväpnade palestinier och förstörde tusentals hem i Gaza",
sammanfattar Amnesty. Men rubriken till TT:s artikel, publicerad i NSD
3/7, är märkligt nog "Israel: Hamas manipulerar Amnesty". Varför denna
beredskap att ursäkta krigsbrott?
I en faktaruta intill TT-artikeln sägs vidare att det var
raketbeskjutningen från Gaza som utlöste den israeliska offensiven. Det
är Israels version. I själva verket var det israelerna som saboterade

PMRS meeting the needs of the people in Gaza

PMRS activities during the current crisis

PMRS employs 70 medical professionals in Gaza, and we are joined in our efforts by hundreds of volunteers. Prior to the current crisis, PMRS's main services were: Primary health care, through permanent health centres and mobile clinics, chronic diseases, psychosocial health, and community-based rehabilitation. Since the Israeli attacks started from the 27th of December our staff have mainly been focusing on primary health care and emergency response, and have tried, dependent on the situation, to also provide comprehensive and rehabilitation care, including physical, medical, psychological and social care.

PMRS activities during the current crisis

PMRS employs 70 medical professionals in Gaza, and we are joined in our efforts by hundreds of volunteers. Prior to the current crisis, PMRS's main services were: Primary health care, through permanent health centres and mobile clinics, chronic diseases, psychosocial health, and community-based rehabilitation. Since the Israeli attacks started from the 27th of December our staff have mainly been focusing on primary health care and emergency response, and have tried, dependent on the situation, to also provide comprehensive and rehabilitation care, including physical, medical, psychological and social care.

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